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How To Prepare For A Facelift

If there is one part of our body that most quickly betrays our advancing age it is our face. Regrettably, this is also one area that it is difficult to hide. As we get older, our skin naturally loses some of its firmness and elasticity, due to the decrease in our body’s production of collagen and elastin. This makes it easy for lines and wrinkles to form, skin to sag, and for us to look older than our years. Makeup can go some way to hiding these issues, but they do not reverse the underlying problem. Fortunately, this can be rectified using a very popular cosmetic surgery solution – a facelift.

A facelift is a surgery that involves elevating the skin and tightening the underlying tissues and muscles so that the skin appears firmer and smoother, and the jaw and cheekbones are more defined. The procedure, which is done under general anesthetic, addresses the whole of the face, from the hairline at the temples round to the jowls and neck.

Facelift procedures are very common and fairly straightforward. Nevertheless, your surgeon will give you advice about what you need to do to prepare for the surgery. This is important because to get the best out of your recovery, it is important that you are as physically and mentally prepared as possible. Some of the preparations that you should make could include some or all of the following:


Smoking is one of the worst habits that we can have in terms of our health and our appearance. Nicotine dehydrates our skin, making it more likely to develop lines and wrinkles, and lines around the mouth and lips are particularly common in people who smoke. Unfortunately, smoking is also a big no-no when it comes to surgical procedures. This is because the nicotine prevents enough oxygen from entering the blood, slowing down the transportation of nutrients to the site of healing and inhibiting your recovery. Smoking also increases your risk of experiencing complications. If you smoke and can’t quit altogether, you should try and stop for at least 6 weeks either side of your facelift. Being able to remain smoke-free after will also help you to sustain the results of your procedure.


A facelift is a surgical procedure and as such, you will need to allow yourself time to rest and recuperate afterward while your face heals. Most patients are recommended to allow at least a week at home before they return to work, but you should bear in mind that your face may appear bruised and swollen for a little longer than this. Your surgeon will be able to advise you on how long you should expect to take to recover.


You would be surprised to know the number of patients that turn up to facelift surgery covered in makeup! Your surgical preparatory team will scrub your face clean anyway, so there really is no point in wearing cosmetics. Instead, you should just use soap and water to wash it before you go in for your appointment.


It is perfectly normal to have questions about what to expect from your procedure, and your consultation is the ideal opportunity for you to ask them. This will help to reassure you about what is to happen before, during, and after your facelift. Go prepared with your list of questions, which could include things like: 

- How long with I be under the anesthetic?

- Will I need to stay in the hospital?

- What are the risks associated with a facelift?

- What pain should I expect?

- When will I be able to go home?

- How long will it take until I can see the results of my surgery?

- What can I do to maintain them? 

If there is anything you forget to ask, you can always contact your surgeon’s office to obtain the answers you need.


Your surgeon will give you very specific instructions relating to the preparation and recovery period for your facelift and it is essential that you follow these exactly as directed as these will help to ensure that you are at minimal risk of complications and you make a swift recovery from the procedure.

If you would like more information on the best way to prepare for a facelift, please don’t hesitate to speak to our experienced cosmetic surgery team.

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