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Cosmetic Surgery For Men: Learn More About Your Options

As women flock to cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance and boost their confidence, men are joining their ranks for the same reasons. In 2017, almost 8% of the plastic surgeries among Americans were performed on men — from eyelid surgery to calf implants and everything in between. Just as women have access to a wide array of options, so do men, and we offer most of them right here at our practice. 

At Houston Cosmetic Surgery Center, we welcome both men and women to come through our doors, and we partner with them to bring out the best versions of themselves. Under the experienced guidance of Dr. David Davila, we’re helping men in the Houston area look their best with some innovative cosmetic options that are putting a little more swagger in their steps. 

Here’s a look at the most popular cosmetic surgeries for men nationwide and how they can improve your appearance. 


The battle of the bulge is by no means confined to women, which is why liposuction is at the head of the list when it comes to cosmetic procedures in men. During liposuction, we use minimally invasive techniques to remove stubborn fat deposits from your body, including around your abdomen, back, and buttocks. While liposuction shouldn’t be considered as a primary component in your weight-loss plan, it does put the finishing touches on your hard work. 


Next on the list of the most popular cosmetic procedures among men is a blepharoplasty, which is eyelid surgery. Gravity and age don’t heed genders, which is why more men are turning to blepharoplasty to get rid of drooping eyelids that make them look tired and aged. During this fairly simple in-office, outpatient procedure, we remove the excess tissue in your upper and/or lower eyelids, giving you a brighter outlook on life. 


If you’re among the 1 in 4 men between the ages of 50 and 69 who suffer from gynecomastia, or enlarged breast tissue, we offer breast reduction surgery tailored specifically to this male problem. While enlarged breasts often affect the older population, it can strike men of any age, and come on the heels of weight gain, as well. Whether you have gynecomastia or an excess of fat in your breasts, we can remove the necessary tissue and fat to create a flatter, more masculine look in your chest. 


For those men who take charge of their health and lose significant weight, we offer a tummy tuck procedure to get rid of the excess tissue that may be left behind. If you drop an appreciable amount of weight, your skin may not get with the program, leaving you with loose folds around your midsection. With a tummy tuck, we remove the excess tissue, plus any leftover deposits of fat, and pull the skin on your abdomen taut, giving you a shape that better shows off your weight-loss efforts. 


As we mentioned earlier, age pays little regard to gender, prompting many men to seek a facelift to address saggy, wrinkled skin. We offer several different versions of the procedure, including mini facelifts, full facelifts, and neck lifts that restore youth and vitality to your appearance. 


Rounding out the cosmetic surgery choices for men are several options in which we make minor adjustments to your body. At our practice, we offer procedures that can reshape your nose, pin back protruding ears, give your chin a little more definition, and beef up your calves. While these surgeries aren’t terribly major, they can make a surprising impact on your appearance. 

If you’d like to explore the many cosmetic options that are available to men a little further, simply give us a call. Or you can set up a consultation using the easy online booking tool found on this website.

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